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Making Movies

itaki design studio was founded by Michael McReynolds in 1996 specializing in web based motion graphics when Flash still part of Future Wave Software. After his very first keying job in 1999, Michael switched from webcentric work to video based production. In 2001 he made his very first narrative film Brainstorm with German friend and filmmaker Philip Schnurr. Having great success in screening this work around Atlanta Michael integrated himself in the Atlanta film community and became one of the founding fathers of the infamous Dailies Atlanta Project. Over the course of the next few years he cut his teeth on various types of shorts and commercial work, most very heavy with graphics or VFX. In 2006 itaki was responsible for all the VFX and sound design for The Signal the Sundance darling of 2007.

This thrust into stardom lead Michael and his team of artists to continue doing VFX and pushing the envelope for independent and small studio films. Always trying to give the filmmaker the upper hand, again itaki was able to produce the VFX for another Sundance favorite in 2012, V/H/S on a tiny budget with limited time.

Michael founded Studio Outpost, a post house in Atlanta, GA in 2010 which housed itaki.

Today Michael builds tools in Nuke and furniture in his shop.


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