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FW:Thinking Episode 28 Graphics Pack

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I did the graphics pack for Episode 28 all in Cinema 4D using the Octane renderer. I have several very powerful GPU’s so this whole thing rendered from C4D in about 30 minutes. Pretty rad! See the full episode here!

ROBOT! BEGINS! Studio Outpost Shorts Show Opener

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The Studio Outpost shorts was screened November 16th, 2010. It was a collection of films that members of the Studio Outpost created over the last year. They include; Josh Wilcox’s “Sweatshop”, Dave Bruckner’s “One For The Road”, and Raymond Carr’s “Wild Is The Wind”. ROBOT! is a suite in the Studio Outpost that consistently gets abused for projects from get… Read More »ROBOT! BEGINS! Studio Outpost Shorts Show Opener